Pastoral Care


Grief Counseling

No one grieves the same way and/or for the same amount of time. One way to think of grief is like ocean waves – the first hits as a crushing, monster wave, often brings us to our knees with the pain of the blow. Sometimes we see the wave coming; other times we do not. At times we may gasp for air with the pain of even trying to breathe. After a while, grief waves hit differently, perhaps not as hard as the first ones. For each person, grief is different. There is no “one way” to grieve. Some people are loud and wail, while others crawl into a shell and shut down. Still others do not react on the outside for a long time and may stuff their feelings inside, unwilling to let anything show to others. And just as we think we grieved enough and we are “over the grieving,” we can be unexpectedly hit – like a gut punch – even decades later. The force of the loss crushes us yet again; perhaps not as hard as the first; though it can still take our breath away with the pain and the shock.

We never “get over a loss.” We “get through it,” with God’s help. 

I have over 3200 hours in supervised clinical practice and pastoral care. My hospital ministry specialization was with end-of-life care for patients and their families and included: pet therapy, the arts, poetry, journaling, music and more. Short-term grief counseling is available upon request. Families, especially children, need to create a “safe space” to express their thoughts about a dying loved one or death of a friend, family member or pet. Check this space for an upcoming list of recommended resources in walking through these heartbreaking times.

Premarital Counseling

Premarital counseling is an opportunity for each partner to share their expectations for what life will be as a married couple – even if the couple is currently living together. Topics include, though not limited to: mutual respect and communication skills, finances, household chores, children, merging and/or blended families, former relationships or marriages, individual professions, wedding expectations and more. 

Each person is given a questionnaire to complete before the first meeting with Rev. Jody. Questions should be answered individually – not “shared” between the couple prior to the first meeting with the officiant. Occasionally homework will be given to the couple - typically a short (under 45 minutes) listening or communication exercise. 

Two marital counseling sessions will be held with both couples in attendance with the officiant – typically the first and last sessions. The other two sessions will be a one-on- one opportunity to visit alone between each person and the officiant. 

Blessings of Life Ministry accepts no fees for short-term grief counseling and pastoral care.

 Instead, BOLM requests a donation is made to a local non-profit organization of your choice within 12 months of the pastoral care provided. If unsure of local reputable organizations, a list of referrals can be provided to you upon request.

Premarital Counseling fees range between $115 - $125 per session


“Jody and I have worked closely together in the field of chaplaincy for over a decade.  She brings unique and valuable skill sets working with diverse people groups, age groups, and belief systems. Her versatility in ministry has equipped her with intimate knowledge serving as a pastoral care provider in a trauma hospital, a clergy leader in a parish setting, and a minister in a secular establishment. It is her connections in these roles that have awarded her knowledge of challenges and stresses related to the field of ministry, skills to offer practical pastoral care practices that are conducive for various ministry settings, and awareness of the importance of self-care and self-rejuvenation.”   

James H. Bunch, D.Min. (ABD), BCC

Roanoke, Virginia

“In everything, do to others as you would have them do to you.” 

– Matthew 7:12 NRSV